By Marcus

Connect with me on Google+ has launched

Today I’m thrilled to announce the launch of is a comprehensive educational resource dedicated to discovering, discussing and encouraging great teaching around the world.

We’ve been working on the site for nearly a year. Many thanks goes out to everyone who worked on the project, I’m ever thankful for my wonderful team of designers, developers, project managers, and content producers! A big thanks also goes out to our friends at USC Rossier and the MAT@USC who helped make this site a reality.

Check out:

Bonneville: Lock, Dam, Fish Ladder, Hatchery

A tugboat and barge approach the lock as the bridge swings open.
The barge is fully in the lock and the water rises.
On the other side of the dam, a fish ladder allows fish to move up and downstream around the dam. Sitting in the room is a man in front of a computer who counts the types of fish all day long. Here some Chinook swim past the counting station.
20110816-152224.jpgAlso on premises is a fish hatchery where many local species of fish are raised and then released into the river.